By Marg Roth
We had little expectations of what it would be but we did know the people of God at Christ Lutheran: they would reflect their boundless creativity and inspiration and we were willing partakers.
Before entering the glass doors we were invited to take a candle and choose a cup, a china cup. I can.t recall hearing the reason for the cup, but we entered carrying our lighted candle and our china cup!
As I entered the sanctuary, it felt truly like a sanctuary, a “place set apart as a refuge”, calm, truly serene, and as I placed my flickering candle, I noticed them everywhere.
I was moved by the number of young adults participating. Are they also seeking a deeper dimension in their lives?
The visual presentation of the Mystery of Creation was almost like a sacrament. Vivid images! It brought to memory my childhood country – the centers of sunflowers, a wasp’s nest, pineapples. Why am I still so surprised by God’s intricate plan. Encounters with nature makes Jesus so real and present.
Silence broke silence, An eastern type sounding device breaks the silence to announce a time of silence.
Candles flicker. Chanting. Chanting, repetitions, no pages to look for, words in front of us. Peace — no stress. That’s grace. Chanting — transforming. Was I in some old cathedral. Chanting — Repetition — Peace.
I shall not soon forget the communion. EVERYONE was invited. No hurry. No rush. Bread given and I looked at my choice of cup as I held it up for wine. I had chosen a dogwood cup. As a child, I remember the legend of the dogwood, the tree on which Jesus was crucified. Truth or legend, I pondered his suffering and horrible death — Jesus. blood cleansing my soul — Forgiveness in the midst of chanting, flickering candles and incense. No hurry. No rush. Just a climate of tranquility. Time not only to ask but LISTEN. There was much more to Mysterium but now a confession, I am a little hesitate to make. An unfocused, serendipitous being who enjoys the tyranny of busyness (for the most part) has always felt meditating is for my friends at St. Michael.s or anywhere like that, not for ordinary folk like me — but since I am cramming for my finals, it may be time to find a rationale to “Be still and Know”.
Will Mysterium replace Sunday Worship for me? No, it is just another awe-inspiring form to worship the God I love mentioned in Psalm 39. I am moved to worship a new way, then surely Jesus will boldly give me a fresh way to touch and to share the stories of Jesus. In gratitude step by step, I am drawn closer to Him.