Ancient Future Worship

You enter the worship space and are immediately struck by the unique atmosphere — the sanctuary warmly lit by candles, ambient music plays quietly in the background, photographs and artwork are projected on a screen. The sacred space is comfortable and quiet, an atmosphere that encourages meditation and prayer. A bell rings, a welcome is given — the worship gathering has begun.

Throughout a Mysterium gathering many different things happen, but not at a frantic pace, nor in a way that insists on participating in a certain manner. Short meditative songs are sung, times of silence are observed, discussion on the theme is invited, the mystery of the Eucharist is shared, incense fills the air, blessings are given, and always people are encourage to move about the sacred space to one of the places of response.

There are elements of ancient ritual in what happens at Mysterium: the form the worship takes, some of the words used, the celebration of Communion, the giving and receiving of blessings.

There are elements of future-looking imagination: the use of projected artwork and photographs, the opportunity for creative response, the consideration of a variety of relevant themes, the quiet presence of ambient music.

Mysterium is worship that is experiential, one that engages all the senses, that involves the whole person. Mysterium is worship for people of all ages, and from all walks of life. All are welcome — come and experience Mysterium for yourself.