Remember that Peace comes with Joy

By CR – May 9/14

Remember that peace comes with Joy.

If any part of you feels empty
     This is not joy.

If any part of you is angry
     This is not joy.

If any part of you is hungry
     This is not joy.

But when you seem to understand
Why you are where you are
When everything comes into focus
When you feel as though everything is right
 - even the things that are wrong
     This is joy.

Joy is to feel the echo of Heaven
reaching into this Shadowed land,
To hear the song of God driving
the universe, and to understand
that you are a part of it.

Note what it is you are doing when
this feeling comes to you:
     This is your gift
     This is your bond with God,
     your channel to the Universe
     This is your Joy.

There is Joy

AnnMarie – May 9/14

There is joy and strength in the beautiful, refreshing, and mighty Presence of God.  He is Love!  He is life!  He is Strength made new!
Love Him (Jesus).  Stir yourself up in Him.
He loves you so much.  Take time to remember His Majesty and rest in His Love!
He Loves you (and so do I!)
